Windows Run Commands

Windows Run Commands
Windows has a lot of useful commands accessible from Run menu. To invoke the Run box, click on Start button and choose Run, or hold down the Windows key and hit R. Run commands allows simply run applications by typing their name instead of click on an icon. Remember these commands. They can save a lot of your time.P.S. Some commands may be missed in your system.

CommandShort description
%allusersprofile%c:\documents and settings\all users
%appdata%c:\documents and settings\%username%\application data
%comspec%command line
%homedrive%installation disk
%homepath%user profile directory (documents and settings\%username%)
%path%system default directories
%programfiles%program files directory
%systemdrive%drive containing the windows root directory
%systemroot%windows directory
%temp% or %tmp%temporary directory, usually c:\documents and settings\%username%\local settings\temp
%userprofile%user profile directory
%windir%windows folder
\system drive
access.cplaccessibility option control
accwizaccessibility wizard
acrobatadobe acrobat
acrodistadobe distiller
adaptertroubleshooterdisplay adapter troubleshooter
appwiz.cpladd/remove programs control
azman.mscauthorization manager
bitlockerwizardbitlocker wizard
certmgr.msccertificate manager
charmapcharacter map
chkdskcheck disk utility
ciadv.mscindexing service
cleanmgrdisk cleanup utility
cliconfgsql client configaration
clipbrdclipboard viewer
cmdcommand prompt
colorcplcolor management
compmgmt.msccomputer management
compmgmtlaunchercomputer management launcher
control access.cplaccessibility options
control admintoolsadministrative tools
control appwiz.cpl,,1add/remove programs w/add new programs preselected
control appwiz.cpl,,2add/remove programs w/add remove windows components preselected
control appwiz.cpl,,3add/remove programs w/set program access & defaults preselected
control colordisplay properties (w/appearance tab preselected)
controlcontrol panel
control desktopdesktop properties
control foldersfolder properties
control fontsfonts
control keyboardkeyboard properties
control mousemouse properties
control netconnectionsnetwork connections
control printersprinter and fax options
control schedtasksscheduled tasks
control userpassword2user accounts
credwizcredential backup and restore wizard
dcomcnfgcomponent services
ddesharedde share
desk.cpldisplay properties
devmgmt.mscdevice manager
dfrg.mscdisk defragment
dfrguidefragment user interface
dialerphone dialer
directx.cpldirectx control panel
diskmgmt.mscdisk management
diskpartdisk partition manager
dpinstdriver package installer
dpiscalingdpi scaling
drwtsn32dr. watson system troubleshooting utility
dvdplaydvd player
dxdiagdirect x troubleshooter
eudceditprivate character editor
eventvwrevent viewer
excelmicrosoft excel
explorerwindows explorer
firefoxfirefox browser
firewall.cplwindows firewall
firewallcontrolpanelfirewall control panel
firewallsettingsfirewall settings
fontsfonts folder
freecellfree cell card game
frontpgmicrosoft frontpage
fsmgmt.mscshared folders
fsquirtbluetooth transfer wizard
fvenotifybitlocker notifier
fxscoverfax cover sheet editor
gpedit.mscgroup policy editor
hdwwiz.cpladd new hardware wizard
helpctrhelp and support center
helppanehelp pane
icwconn1internet connection wizard
iexploreinternet explorer
iexpressiexpress wizard (self extracting package creator)
imagereadyadobe imageready
inetcpl.cplinternet properties
inetwizinternet setup wizard
intl.cplregional and language options
ipconfig /allip configuration (display connection configuration)
ipconfig /displaydnsip configuration (display dns cache contents)
ipconfig /flushdnsip configuration (delete dns cache contents)
ipconfig /registerdnsip configuration (refreshes dhcp & re-registers dns)
ipconfig /releaseip configuration (release all connections)
ipconfig /renewip configuration (renew all connections)
ipconfig /setclassidip configuration (modifies dhcp class id)
ipconfig /showclassidip configuration (display dhcp class id)
iscsicpliscsi initiator
javawsjava control panel
joy.cplgame controllers
jpicpl32.cpljava control panel
logofflogoff from windows
lpksetuplanguage pack installer
lusrmgr.msclocal users and groups
magnifywindows magnifier
mailtoopens default email client
main.cplmouse properties
mblctrwindows mobility center
migwizfiles and settings transfer tool
mmsys.cplmultimedia properties control
mobsyncmicrosoft synchronization center
moviemkmicrosoft movie maker
mrtmalicious software removal tool
msaccessmicrosoft access
msconfigsystem configuration utility
msdtmicrosoft support diagnostic tool
msheartshearts card game
msimnoutlook express
msinfo32system information
msmsgswindows messenger
mspaintmicrosoft paint
msraremote assistance
mstscremote desktop
ncpa.cplnetwork connections
netplwizuser accounts
netsetup.cplnetwork setup wizard
ntbackupwindows backup utility
ntmsmgr.mscremovable storage
ntmsoprq.mscremovable storage operator requests
nusrmgr.cpluser account management
nvtuicpl.cplnview desktop manager
odbccp32.cplodbc data source administrator
optionalfeaturesoptional features manager
oskon screen keyboard
p2phostpeople near me
packagerobject packager
password.cplpassword properties
perfmonperformance monitor
photoshopadobe photoshop
pinballpinball game
powercfg.cplpower configuration
powerpntmicrosoft powerpoint
prefetchwindows prefetcher
presentationsettingspresentation settings
printbrmuiprinter migration
printersprinters folder
quicktimeplayerquicktime player
rasphoneremote access phonebook
realplayreal player
regeditregistry editor
regedit32registry editor (Windows 2000)
rekeywizencryption file system
rsop.mscresultant set of policies
sdcltwindows backup utility
secpol.msclocal security settings
services.msclist of services
sethcaccessibility settings
sfc /cachesize=xsystem file checker utility (set cache size to size x)
sfc /purgecachesystem file checker utility (purge file cache)
sfc /revertsystem file checker utility (return scan setting to default)
sfc /scanbootsystem file checker utility (scan on every boot)
sfc /scannowsystem file checker utility (scan immediately)
sfc /scanoncesystem file checker utility (scan once at next boot)
shrpubwwindows share creation wizard
shutdownshuts down windows
sigveriffile signature verification tool
sluisoftware licensing/windows activation
sndvolsound volume
snippingtoolsnipping tool (an advanced print screen function)
soundrecordersound recorder
spiderspider solitaire card game
sticpl.cplscanner and camera control
stikynotsticky notes
sysdm.cplsystem properties
syseditsystem configuration editor
syskeywindows system security tool
system.iniwindows loading information
systempropertiesadvancedsystem properties (advanced preselected)
systempropertiescomputernamesystem properties (computer name preselected)
systempropertiesdataexecutionpreventionsystem properties (data execution prevention preselected)
systempropertieshardwaresystem properties (hardware preselected)
systempropertiesperformancesystem properties (performance preselected)
systempropertiesprotectionsystem properties (protection preselected)
systempropertiesremotesystem properties (remote preselected)
tabcaldigitizer calibration tool
taskmgrtask manager
tcptesttcp tester
telephon.cplphone and modem options
telnettelnet client
timedate.cpldate and time properties
tourstartwindows xp tour wizard
tpminittrusted platform module
tweakuitweak ui
utilmanutility manager
verifierdriver verifier utility
waaucpl.cplautomatic updates
wabwindows address book
wabmigwindows address book import utility
werconproblem reports and solutions
wf.mscwindows firewall with advanced security
wfswindows fax and scan
wiaacmgrwindows picture import wizard
win.iniwindows loading information
winchatmicrosoft chat
winmineminesweeper game
winverwindows version
winwordmicrosoft word
wmimgmt.mscwindows management infrastructure
wmplayerwindows media player
wscui.cplsecurity center
wuappwindows update app manager
wupdmgrwindows update launches
wusawindows standalone update manager
                     For source code of this

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