GTA San Andreas Cheats | All GTA Games Free Download

GTA San Andreas PC Cheats
munasef - Adrenaline effects
ylteicz - Aggressive traffic
speedfreak - All cars have nitrous
xjvsnaj - Always 00:00 or 12:00
ofviac - Always 21:00
hesoyam - Armor, health, and money
cikgcgx - Beach party theme
bgkgtjh - Beater traffic
iowdlac - Black traffic
bagowpg - Bounty on your head
crazytown - Carnival theme
bsxsggc - Cars fly away
iojufzn - City in chaos
kangaroo - CJ jumps higher
alnsfmzo - Cloudy weather
szcmawo - Commit suicide
cpktnwt - Destroy all cars
speeditup - Fast motion
flyingfish - Flying boats
ripazha - Flying cars
cfvfgmj - Foggy weather
mroemzh - Gangs and workers
bifbuzz - Gangs only
professionalkiller - Hitman level in all weapons
xicwmd - Invisible cars
bekknqv - Kinky theme
asnaeb - Lower wanted levell
ouiqdmw - Manual weapon control in cars
cjphonehome - Massive BMX bunny hops
btcdbcb - Maximum fat
cvwkxam - Maximum lung capacity
buffmeup - Maximum muscle
worshipme - Maximum respect
helloladies - Maximum s** appeal
naturaltalent - Maximum vehicle skills
kvgyzqk - No fat or muscle
aeduwnv - No hunger
bluesuedeshoes - Pedestrians are Elvis
bgluawml - Pedestrians attack with guns
foooxft - Pedestrians have weapons
ajlojyqy - Pedestrians riot
pggomoy - Perfect handling
llqpfbn - Pink traffic
osrblhh - Raise wanted level
sjmahpe - Recruit anyone into gang with guns
zsoxfsq - Recruit anyone into gang with rocket launcher
ghosttown - Reduced traffic
bmtpwhr - Rural theme
fvtmnbz - Rural traffic
cwjxuoc - Sandstorm weather
bringiton - Six star wanted level
slowitdown - Slow motion
cqzijmb - Spawn Bloodring Banger
rzhsuew - Spawn Caddy
eegcyxt - Spawn Dozer
ohdude - Spawn Hunter
jumpjet - Spawn Hydra
rocketman - Spawn Jetpack
monstermash - Spawn Monster
aiypwzqp - Spawn Parachute
akjjyglc - Spawn Quad
pdnejoh - Spawn Racecar
vpjtqwv - Spawn Racecar
jqntdmh - Spawn Rancher
aiwprton - Spawn Rhino
aqtbcodx - Spawn Romero
celebritystatus - Spawn Stretch
urkqsrk - Spawn Stunt Plane
amomhrer - Spawn Tanker
truegrime - Spawn Trashmaster
kgggdkp - Spawn Vortex
ysohnul - Speed up time
gusnhde - Sports car traffic
auifrvqs - Rainy weather
mghxyrm - Stormy weather
afzllqll - Sunny weather
iavenjq - Super punches
vkypqcf - Taxi missions completed
zeiivg - Traffic lights remain green
fullclip - Unlimited ammunition
baguvix - Unlimited health
jcnruad - Vehicle of death
icikpyh - Very sunny weather
aezakmi - Wanted level never increases
lxgiwyl - Weapons (tier 1)
kjkszpj - Weapons (tier 2)
uzumymw - Weapons (tier 3)
ninjatown - Yakuza theme

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